Healthy Eyes...
Below are our articles on the subject of Healthy Eyes. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Can False Eyelashes Damage Your Eyes?
False eyelashes and eyelash extensions are glamorous but they are fixed using strong adhesive. Make sure you have a patch test and don’t overdo it if you want to keep…...

Eye Sight Charts: How Are They Different?
Visual acuity, the quality of vision can be measured relatively easily using charts. These are used by opticians to see how many letters you can read with each eye....

How the Eye Works
A simplified description of how the eye works, listing its main components and their functions and how an image is produced and transmitted to the brain....

How to Look After Your Eyesight
Keeping healthy is not only important for your mind and body but it will also keep your eyes healthy. We often forget how important our eyesight is to us, so it is…...

Protecting Your Eyes from UV
We are all aware of the damaging effects of the sun on our skin yet many of us are not aware of the need to protect our eyes. It is important to wear adequate eyewear…...

Protecting Your Eyes When Playing Sport
Wearing special eyewear for sport is important to reduce the risk of accidents and to help you play sport to the best of your ability. Sport goggles have been…...

Questionnaire: How Well Do You Know Your Eyes?
The eyes are said to be the window to the soul, but how well do you know about this important gateway? Try answering this short set of questions on some important…...

VDUs and Your Eyesight
If you use computers regularly at home or at work it is important to look after eyesight. Prolonged use of a VDU can lead to minor eye problems which are known as…...

What Does VEGF Do in the Eye?
VEGF is such a complex family of molecules that we are only just starting to tease apart all of the functions of each individual type. Although some are helpful, some…...

What Happens at an Eye Examination?
Eye tests are important not only to check your eye sight but to ensure you don’t have any other eye health problems. But what can you expect from an eye test?...

What is an Orthoptist and How Can They Help With Eye Problems?
An orthoptist is an important eye care specialist whose role involves assessing and treating patients who might have a range of eye problems....

What is the Blood Retinal Barrier?
The blood retinal barrier is a barrier that stops blood from the rest of the body mixing too much with the blood that bathes the delicate tissues of the eye. It can…...

What Makes Our Eyes Different Colours
Eye colour in humans is complex, due to the pattern of pigment in the cells of the iris. In turn, this is thought to be controlled by at least 6 separate genes....

Why Go to the Optician?
An outline of the importance of regular sight tests, emphasising the ways in which opticians can detect many potentially serious eye conditions in the early stages,…...